Party of 4 - NY sports and beach loving family!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Tuesday night Steve and I attended Kindergarten parent night in our township. After initially going to the wrong school, we arrived with enough time for us to learn what they expect of David and us for this coming school year. I have to admit, that aside from reading and writing, he is ahead of the game. I already knew I needed to work on his writing, but I did NOT realize how much reading they expect of Kindergarteners! They gave us a list of words that he should know by site so I will be drilling him on those. I also need to get back to the reading at bed time routine. I used to be real good at it, but I slacked off. The good thing is that I am so consumed with getting him ready that I am not yet in 'shock' that he is actually going. However, I know come August, I'll be a nervous wreck for him. Even though lately he acts like he hates me, he is my baby boy. He has grown up SO fast - especially since Ava has been born. I really wish I had the ability to take the summer off and spend it enjoying his company. He can be so much fun. I already feel that I have missed out on so much, but thinking about him going to Kindergarten makes me feel like I missed his whole 'babyhood'. :sigh:


Corey~living and loving said...

oh man...I'm really not getting why they want Kindergartners to do things like have sight words.....ugh....seriously???? the priorities have so changed. I'm not loving it.

but reading before bedtime is a good thing. :) I cherish that time. :) loving it!

Anonymous said...

Don't stress too much- K teaches everything you had to be ready for- they are just trying to cut sdown on their work. They will still have to teach all of those things- better he not be too bored. As long as you read with him, he is right on track to learning to read. :)

MaryBeth said...

I am really dreading fall because Ella is starting pre-k... I can only imagine the angst when real K comes along.