Party of 4 - NY sports and beach loving family!

Monday, April 14, 2008

8 lbs less

I weighed myself this morning before getting in the shower and I lost 8 lbs!!! YEAH!!! Can you tell I am VERY excited!!! I am looking forward to having another good week. I'll be at my goal weight before summer, I just know it.


MaryBeth said...

Woohoo, congratulations on your loss. Are you in the beginning stages or something? Isn't 8 lbs a lot for one week?!?

Corey~living and loving said...

Way to go. :) gotta love the first week of WW. :) I used to be a WW leader.
I am really in need of a refresher....I have no motivation right now. ugh...

Anonymous said...

good job!