Party of 4 - NY sports and beach loving family!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dental Emergency

Where was I at 10:30 am? In the dentist's office with David. Yup. Another abcess. This poor baby boy of mine. Woke up this morning with a fever and a blown up face. One of the teeth he had filled on the bottom now has an abcess. Luckily, Dr. S was able to do some magic and he does not think David will lose this tooth. Thank God David is a good kid and VERY good dental patient. He was so very brave and well behaved. I hope this is the end of the dental problems, but at only 4 1/2 years of age, I highly doubt it.

1 comment:

eyes_only4him said...

man that blows...poor lil dude..

Luckily none of mine have ever had any cavities...but I am super anal and make them brush twice in a row to make sure they are clean..I am bad tha way.

My oldest daughter had to have 8 teeth pulled..(not at the same time) because they was not enough room in her mouth 4 her new teeth to come in...had to pull 8 so 4 could come in...poor dear..