I thought this was a perfect day for me to RISE AGAIN. All is fine here in Boettger-ville...just a bit sick and busy. I do want you all to have a very Happy Halloween. I'll post pix of the kids later.
Party of 4 - NY sports and beach loving family!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ava the flirt
Ava's crush...she does have good taste :)
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It's here!
Yesterday my new laptop arrived! It's been over a month since we ordered it as my birthday gift. I could not wait to get it but I was so busy last night, that I almost did not get a chance to open it. Right before I headed up to bed I broke down, opened it up and fell in love. I love the color, the lightness and the sleekness. I also could not believe how easy it was to set up! I basically turned it on and answered a few questions. I was up and running in like 8 minutes! Super excited. I can not wait to load some photos on and start learning my 2 new photoshop programs.
Thanks babe for my really cool birthday gift!
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandmom
Today is my Grandmom's birthday. This year is extra special to me, due to her battle with breat cancer. She has had her surgery to remove it and is doing well, but started radiation therapy last week. My parents are taking my kids over to see her after David gets off the bus and I will meet them there on my way home from work. I am just so very thankful and happy that I can celebrate her again this year.
Happy Birthday Grandmom! I love you.
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Quick trip
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
At the game
David having lunch
Jackie and Eben!
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Friday, September 19, 2008
Taking another road trip
This evening we will pack up the family truckster and head down to Baltimore. There are 24 of us - all family - traveling to the Rutgers vs. Navy game tomorrow. We are all staying in Baltimore which is about 45 minutes from Annapolis where the game will be played. We are all excited to go and have a great time. On my way home from work I will be stopping for gas, alcohol and snacks. All the necessary items for tailgaiting! I hear the weather will be beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Lesson Learned
Need to drink more margaritas. Monday when I got home, I poured myself a margarita. The night went so smooth. Last night, no margarita = tough night. Tonight, no margarita = tougher night. Alcohol does wonders to calm the frazzled Mom.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Back to School Night
Today was a sick day for me. Not because I am sick, but the kids are. Or at least Ava is. When I woke up this morning, I decided to take a 1/2 sick day and take Ava to the pediatrician. Well, Steve ended up taking her to the appointment so I could shower for work. Sure enough she has an ear infection and is on an antibiotic. I was about to leave for work and David states that he is sick as well and needs to stay home from school. Now he too had a runny nose and cough since Friday, so I call for an appointment for him and call him out of school. I also called in for a whole sick day. I took him to his appointment and sure enough, he has a cold. Leaving the office, there was still enough time to get him home for the bus, but he insisted he felt bad. So we ran an errand and went back home. A little while later, when Steve was leaving for work, David told me he wanted to tell me something. He also told me I could not be mad or cry. HMMMMMMMMM. Never a good sign. That is when he confessed that he felt well enough to go to school, but did not want to. My first thought was to strangle him, but something popped into my head about him telling the truth and I took that angle instead. I thanked him for being honest and explained that this can not and will not happen ever again. Steve chimed in with the 'boy who cried wolf' story as well. Boy was I PISSED that he got one by me. Later that night when I was at back to school night, I mentioned his antics to his teacher. Just to be sure nothing had happened in class and sure enough nothing had. When I got home, I explained that I was the only Mommy without a letter and picture from their kindergartener. I also told him how I did not know where to sit and that I talked to his teacher. He did not say much but I had to let him know I was disappointed. And here I was looking forward to tonight.
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Monday, September 15, 2008
As I posted last month, Steve bought me a new laptop for me birthday. Well, the ship date was 9/5, then 9/12, then 9/19 - so I called. I must have been transfered 10 times before I got it fixed. I was on the phone a total of 45 minutes. It turns out the cover I wanted in back ordered until OCT! So I am now going to be the owner of a green (light) laptop! It was the color I originally chose until I dug around and found the purple flower one. Plus, now Steve can take it to the Fantasy Draft and not look like a fruit!
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
We'll try anything
Ava was very cranky again today. Again, no nap. Again clingy. I think she is getting sick. David had T-ball this morning at 10 and we all went. Even Tray, Rich and the kids. After we grabbed breakfast/lunch at the diner and headed back to our house for some football! Tray stayed until half time of the Giants game and we tried to put Ava for a nap. UGH - no good. The afternoon flew by thanks for some great football. Steve cooked dinner on the grill and we were all able to sit and eat together. Something I really miss with Steve working nights. After, I got the kids ready for bed and after I put Ava down, Steve and I got ready for the Sunday night game. That was when he realized he had to run into work and turn on the AC! It could not have happened at a better time because Ava woke up screaming. We put the kids in the car and we all took the ride out to school for Steve to do his thing. Ava was out like a light about 10 minutes in and David about 20 minutes in. When we got home, we out them in their beds and got to actually enjoy the Sunday night game. So nice and peaceful.
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
Men have all the fun
I tried to host a Golf/Scrap event today. It ended up being me, my Mom and my sister in law scrapping and Steve and my brother in law golfing. I hired my niece to babysit so I could get some work done. My daughter was not having it. She was horrible. Whiny, cranky, clingy - you name it. Nothing made her happy and poor Ally could do nothing to entertain her. We even tried putting her for a nap - 4 TIMES! By 3 pm, I had had enough. We all piled into Tray's car and drove over to the Shoppes at North Brunswick to get some shopping in. I had called Steve to tell him we'd meet them for dinner at Bensi in the strip mall and they were only on hole #7. I wanted to crawl in a hole a die. We hit every store and even made a snack stop a the fountain. The boys were being boys and Ava was being a pain in the ass. When I called Steve back at 5:45 pm, they were finishing up hole #18 - THANK GOD. My mom walked down to the restaurant and got us a table outside. There was no way we were eating inside with the raucous our kids would have caused. The guys showed up just in time to sit down. Tray and I finished a pitcher of sangria during dinner and truly deserved/wanted another.
Next time, we'll be golfing in a 4-some. The kids will be on their own!
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Loving me some weekend
I worked from home today so I got to put David on the bus and be there for him when he got off. By the time he got off the bus, the rain had come and he hates to get wet, so I was sure to have an umbrella ready. Ava loves having him home. It is so cute to hear her say Hi DayDay. She really loves her brother.
Ava went to gymnastics this morning with my Mom and met my cousin and her daughter there. I think she liked it. My Mom said that neither of the girls wanted to listen, but they had fun being together.
Tonight we'll go to my cousin Jill's and celebrate her 29th birthday. I can't beleive she is 29! That means I am really getting old. UGH! David is very excited to play with his cousin Rosaleen. This will be the first time I am seeing my cousin Michelle since her engagement - YEAH!!
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
It only took 1 week
David brought home his first fund raiser from school. He is selling Entertainment books for $25. I can not believe that after 1 week of school we are expected to start selling crap. I mean, Entertainment books are good and I am sure I can sell a few, but come on. Can't you give it a month? My sister in law's school district is much better. They ask for a $30 at the beginning of the year to cover each kid and there is NO fundraising. Sounds like a plan to me!
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
All Star
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Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Holy Party!
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Sunday, September 07, 2008
Let there be FOOTBALL
In reality the season started Thursday with my Giants kicking the crap out of the Redskins, but today is the first football Sunday of the season. There are so many good match ups with all the trades and hurt players. I have 2 fantasy teams this year and 1 pick 'em pool. Wish me luck. We'll be watching the 1 pm games and starting to watch the 4 pm games...then we are going to a party. Steve is not thrilled, but with my new phone, he can check stats. I love Football and I love this time of year!
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Saturday, September 06, 2008
The storm that wasn't
According to the weather reports, we were due to get Tropical Storm Hanna. We did get plenty of rain, but no tropical storm. Needless to say, the kids were truly disappointed. David kept asking us when the hurricane was going to start! When we did decide to venture out to pick up take out, David got nervous. He thought that the hurricane was going to arrive while we were out and about. We assured him that it would not, but even if it did, Daddy would protect us. That was all he needed to hear.
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Friday, September 05, 2008
Thank GOD it's Friday
I so am ready for this week to end. It has been an emotional roller coaster. I am so very proud of my baby boy for taking on this Kindergarten thing. He is really doing well. Let's start the weekend!! WOO HOO!
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Thursday, September 04, 2008
Pants - optional?
I deliberately left this bit of information out of my last post to allow David his due. But I HAVE to tell this part.
After David got on the bus, Steve and I took the classroom supplies and David's medication over to the school. While we were in the nurses office, I overheard David's teacher talking about someone not wearing pants. I did not think too much of it and we walked into the lobby to leave the school. Just then I saw our neighbor trying to get in the front doors, so I let her in and when I turned around...I saw it. There was a Mother without her PANTS! Yes, I said she was not wearing PANTS! Instead, she had on a t-shirt (that did not cover her ass) and a thong. Let me also state that this was not the type of ass that belonged in a thong to begin with - so I now have a burned vision in my brain. I immediately alerted Steve and we left in SHOCK.
I mean, why would you not throw on a pair of pants to bring your child to their 1st day of kindergarten? I just don't get it!
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008
My baby went to Kindergarten
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Change of plans
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Monday, September 01, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Packing up the car
and heading to VA. We are leaving early this morning for Virginia. I booked a trip to Colonial Williamsburg, Busch Gardens and Water Country. When we leave VA on Tuesday, we'll be driving to PA to visit Tracey, Rich and the kids. Steve and Rich also have their fantasy football draft that night. Hope you have a good weekend!
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Judy!
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Yankees are totally my team. AND I love baseball. But, the commercial that shows Joba Chamberlain throwing balls at a brick wall and only able to throw through it after putting on a Yankees magnetic necklace is ridiculous. If that is not completely exaggerate, I don't know what it. I mean, isn't that like false advertising or something?
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bird fear
I am a birdaphobe. I do not like birds AT ALL. They scare the crap out of me. Today while I was at work, Steve noticed this in our yard:
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back to school shopping
My beautiful friend Kristen was kind enough to accompany me to the mall last Friday so that I could pick up a few things for David to begin his school year. We got him new sneakers (Ava as well) and some cute clothes from Gymboree. Thanks to Kristen, I was able to actually get things done. She wrangled Ava when needed and even took David to the potty! LOVE HER.
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Monday, August 25, 2008
I had today off to take the kids to a new allergy doctor and was super happy when I got the Meet the Teacher day invitation with today's date on it. My grandparents watched Ava and the 3 of us went. We were greeted by the vice principal. She took the time to get David's name and shake his hand. Very cute. Then we went and sat in the gym. Our neighbors up the street have twins and we sat with them. Next thing I know, the principal is asking the kindergarteners to line up with their teacher and wave good bye to their parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally NOT what I was expecting! As soon as he left the gym, the water works started. I could not believe it! Here I am thinking - 'this is no big deal - every kid goes to kindergarten - and instead - I am crying! Big baby! Any who, the rest of the morning was nice. We learned a lot about what their day and year will be like. The nurse spoke too, which made me (the mother of the allergic kid) feel better. We also had a chance to see them in their classroom and get to know the teacher. She seems perfect for David. He really enjoyed himself and is now looking forward to his first big day. As am I.
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
I'll take...
This afternoon is our fantasy football draft. We are in a keeper league that I really wish would change. I am hoping that next year we can start from scratch. There are 12 teams that get to keep 2 people. So most of the great RB's are kept and there is not much left to choose from. Steve and I discussed who I should take, but I am unsure. He picks 2 turns before me, so the guy he gets will be better - damn him. I hope I get Big Ben again - I love him. Wish me luck!
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Friday, August 22, 2008
All teched out
In case you were unaware, my 33rd birthday is Sunday. Yes, this coming Sunday. I LOVE my birthday and I LOVE presents. I really LOVE techy presents. My laptop bit the dust a few months back so my darling hubby has purchased me a newbie for my birthday! I ordered it on Wed. and it should arrive in early September. I was able to add some software that I have always wanted on it and get a few upgrades and stay within budget. Super happy and excited. Best part - IT'S PURPLE! Woo hoo!
Adding to my tech-ish gifts, I was due for a phone upgrade. I checked online to see what my options were and I was torn between the Palm and the Blackberry. I picked myself up the Blackberry Curve in pink! I know - it's not purple and I am a purple girl, but it is pretty non the less. The pink is pearly so it is not 'very pink'. I am still getting used to it and learning the ins and outs, so if you have one and have any tips, please let me know. Even changing the ring tone was difficult!
Now, if I can just win that camera strap for my DSLR - I'd be all set!
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Win a Camera Strap
These are great! Shealynn makes and sells these fantastic camera strap covers for DSLR cameras. She is giving away one. Visit The Vintage Pearl to enter. While you are there, check out her beautiful jewelry. I purchased this little number for myself and will be back for more! Boy I love Etsy!
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Kids Day = Parents Nite Off
My parents took the kids to Pt. Pleasant this afternoon for Kid's Day. That left me and Steve free! We did a few things around the house and then we decided to go out to dinner. We ended up at our favorite restaurant Bensi after a few errands. It was so nice to be able to sit, eat, drink and relax. When we go out to dinner with the kids we are constantly rushing and correcting behavior. I got to eat my meal and actually taste it. Best of all, I did not have little fingers picking at it! I was tempted to even get dessert, but I really could not fit it in. I was so stuffed. When we left the restaurant, we browsed through The Children's Place to check out what they had for David's school shopping and bought some stuff at Yankee Candle. We took the scenic route to pick up the kids. It really was a nice night.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Like my new header?
Delicious Design Studio has launched a new fabulous website. Go check it out! She does fantastic work. They even have free stuff...that is where I got my new header!
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Monday, August 18, 2008
Chopped it off
My hair that is. Last night we went to my Aunt and Uncles for dinner. Holly was kind enough to trim Ava's bangs and give me a nice new style. I was torn between Rachel Ray's new cut and the angled bob look. I ended up with something in between. I have no photos at the moment, but I will post some later in the week. I do feel very free and light!
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
We're going to PA today to visit Tracey, Rich and the kids. While we're there, Steve will be doing some electrical work in their laundry room. It's so great to have a handyman in the family. The kids are super excited. They love being with Tyler and Ally. I know us adults will have a great time too.
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Friday, August 15, 2008
Mission Complete
Steve put David's furniture back in his room and did some re-arranging. His room is definitely not babyish anymore. When I got home, I went up and put some things back in order and got rid of some items that we won't use now. David really likes his room. I am hoping that the bedtime situation will continue to stay good. He is such a happier boy when he gets a good night sleep. I'll post some photos of the room so you can see it. We still need to hang pictures and shelving, but you'll get the idea.
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Last night my cousin John dropped off his puppy Axe for us to babysit. He and his girlfriend are going to LBI for a long weekend. The dog is adorable and very well behaved. I must admit I was a tad nervous about having a dog in the house after not having one for 8 months, but he has been a pleasure. The kids love him - especially Ava. I love watching her with him. John and Holly had warned us that he is a chewer, so when I ran out to the A&P this evening, I locked him in the bathroom....or so I thought. When we got home, I saw his cute little face in the living room window. I was nervous that he might have done something, but when I got in the house, I was pleasantly surprised. I will not be getting a new dog anytime soon, but Axe is always welcome.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Not in the mood
So, we are going to busy this weekend and I really need my nails done. I called my Mom earlier today to ask what night is better for her to stay so I could make an appt. She told me to go today. At my 5 pm appt., the girl is starting to do my nails and they all start to pop off. She proceeds to tell me that I need a new set! I ask her how much that will run me and she says $85. I reply by telling her that $85 is more than my total bill after a fill, wax and pedi. So she explains that I really need it. Then I remembered that I had gotten a coupon for their salon in the mail. Sure enough, there is a coupon for a free spa pedicure with a new set. So I agreed. I got a fabulous lemon pedicure while I soaked off the rest of my nails. What I did not realize was that the new set was going to take forever. I did not get home until 7:35 pm and I did not even get waxed. I rescheduled that part for tomorrow. UGH! I do have to admit, I really like my pedi and new nails.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I took the kids to visit Grandmom tonight. She came to the door as we were walking up the sidewalk and I could not believe how great she looked! If I did not know she had surgery, I would never have been able to tell. The only thing she could not do, was pick Ava up. We had a nice visit. The kids were well behaved and she had some new coloring books and crayons for them. Grandpop is still not feeling his best. You can hear it when he talks. I hope he goes to the doctor soon and gets some meds. We did not stay all that long because the kids were getting tired and I wanted Grandmom to get her rest. I was so glad we went over to cheer her up and so I could see for myself that she is doing well.
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Monday, August 11, 2008
Grandmom update
This morning was Grandmom's surgery. My parents were at the hospital when she was out of recovery. My Mom called to let me know she did great. Everything went well. They removed 3 lymphnodes and found nothing. They are still sending what they removed for biopsy. She went home this afternoon. I called Grandpop on my way home from work and he said she was resting. I'll take the kids over one night this week.
Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes.
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
Rain helps
I promised myself we would not be going to the fair today and we didn't. I cleaned the house and the kids played pretty well. David was back to building Lego's and Ava wanted her blocks. The fair ended at 6, but Steve did not come home until 9:30. Poor guy. He was soaking wet and exhausted. I am glad we'll be back to the routine this week.
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