Party of 4 - NY sports and beach loving family!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Another Gemini

Today is my sister-in-law Tracey's birthday. I called her on my way to work this morning and left her a voice mail wishing her a Happy Birthday. We'll call her later when I get home so David can wish her one as well. Tray - if you are reading - I hope you have a great day!

I would like to ask a question to get your opinions. Please feel free to leave your opinion in the comments. When you receive an invitation of any kind that requires an RSVP do you respond? Whatever your answer, can you let me know why you do or do not? I just NEED to know.



mkenny59 said...

I always respond. And by "I" I mean "Laura." Nevertheless, whether you can make it or not, you always respond. I mean, that's the whole point of an rsvp.

This is also not so much my opinion as it as fact.

andrewnamy said...

i always rsvp. it is RUDE not to.

Corey~living and loving said...

I know I should....and I always intend on responding....but I suck at remembering anything. I always respond if I am going, because it stays in my mind, but if I can't make soon as I set the invite is gone.

I hate this about myself.

eyes_only4him said...

well, I have been known 2 4get...

so sue me...

I always figure me telling them I am not coming is not going to put that much of a damper on plans, unless it is a party 4 me..haha

if i am going, i do send it..

weird i know..

MomMom&Gramps said...

It is one more sign of selfishness. By not responding, you are telling the planner "I couldn't care less". If the # attending is an issue for the planner, even if you are NOT attending, the planner cannot plan appropriately. If the planner assumes you are not coming and you DO show up, the plans could be disrupted. Especially when more than one person follows those guidelines. Bottom line-SELFISH!!

erin said...

I try my best and I almost always do, but there have been a few times where I had meant to but it slipped my mind. But we never just show up, I always call if we are coming :)

We attend every party POSSIBLE, but with bothe of the boys coming home with parties quite often, we just can't always make them!