This past Friday, my cousin Jill married her adorable fiance Joe. Although I missed the actual ceremony (damn job!), I was able to celebrate with them later during their reception. Not that I expected anything less, but she looked stunning and they were so happy. I was so excited for them. They had bought a condo earlier this year and spent a lot of time fixing it up. Sunday we went over to see what they had done. The place looks fantastic - I love the colors and furnishings they chose. It was so cute to see them 'playing house' - but for real.
I wish them the very best!
Party of 4 - NY sports and beach loving family!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Congratulations Jill & Joe!
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
We just got back...
from my OB/GYN appointment. Everything is going well with the baby. We had an ultrasound and found out we are having a GIRL! I was shocked...Steve knew all along. Now it's time to work on a name.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
First and foremost...
David is all better. As a matter of fact, he woke up Thursday and was back to his old self - PHEW!
On another happy note, Steve was able to fix our air conditioning! We noticed it was not working Wednesday night, but it was too dark for Steve to go outside and see what the problem was. So, when he got home Thursday evening, he and David got to work on it. I had some of the girls over for scrapping - I even got to work on 2 pages! My scheduled workshop is this coming Thursday and I am hoping to continue working.
I worked from home on Friday. Steve came home a little early because we had to get to PA by 5:30 pm. Rich got us tickets to the Phillies game for 7 pm, and we had to drop David off at their house. It was not pretty, but we made it. David went right down the basement to play with Ty and the adults headed to the game. We picked up food before heading to our seats. We all had cheesesteaks - YUM! The seats were great - 31 rows behind home plate. The stadium is real nice but small. It reminded me of the Somerset Patriots field. We had a lot of fun at the game, even though Phillie lost. When we got home I was surprised to find David ASLEEP! I asked Mary the babysitter how she did it and it seemed so simple. Maybe she can come live with us - hehehe.
Saturday the guys had their annual golf outing, so Tracey and I took the kids to Lancaster and shopped the outlets. I was able to pick up a few Father's Day gifts and use my Pottery Barn gift card. We had lunch at Cracker Barrell - it was good. When we got home, Tracey's neighbors invited us over for a swim. They just had a beautiful pool put in. Ally and Ty were water rats and David would not go in. He was only interested in throwing everything and anything in the pool. We did not stay long and when we got back to Tracey's, she threw the sprinklers on for them to run through. The kids played while we sat out on the deck reading magazines and eating chips and salsa. After a while we ordered pizza and calzones to be delivered. The guys got home about 8:30 pm and Steve was smashed. He played a little while roughing up the kids and then went to bed. I stayed up long enough for David to fall asleep on me. The 2 of us slept in Ally's room that night.
Sunday was Father's Day. When we woke up, David gave Rich and Steve theirs cards and wished them a Happy Father's Day. I gave Steve the shirts I had bought him the day before. Tracey had made us reservations at Brickside Grill for a 10 am brunch. There was a lot to choose from. First, I had an omelet, that they cooked in their pizza oven! Then David and I had pancakes that they made to order. Steve had an omelet too, but was not all that hungry. After breakfast we said our thank yous and good-byes and headed back to Jersey.
We unpacked the car and did a few things around the house. At about 2 pm, we went to my parents house. My grandparents were already there when we arrived. David got to play in his Banana Boat on the deck while the rest of us enjoyed the weather. For dinner, we went over to Brielle and ate at the Riverhouse. We were the only people in the dining room. Everyone else was eating outside. We all enjoyed our dinner and the beautiful view. Our ride home was not good. Right before the Tennent/Morganville exit, the traffic stopped. Steve and I argued about taking Rt. 9 and because I was driving, I stayed on Rt. 18. We finally made it home.
Once again, another great and eventful weekend. Boy, do I need to relax! Speaking of relaxing, I did finish Honeymoon by James Patterson. Loved it!
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Sick Child
When David woke up yesterday he complained to my Mom that his foot hurt and he would not walk on it. When she called to tell me, I figured he slept on it. She emailed me a few hours later, that he was still complaining and not walking. I told her it was probably growing pains and to give him some Tylenol. At lunch time, my Dad called to suggest I call the doctor. I did and got him an appt in the evening. Well, he has been diagnosed with Toxic Synovitis. It is basically a virus in the hip and is seen mostly in boys between the ages of 3 and 6. His course of treatment is 3 days of Motrin 2 times a day. He should be walking by Friday. The weirdest thing is, he is happy as a clam! He was sleeping like an angel when I left this morning, so I have no update for today yet. I'll post again, if there is any change.
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Quick Update
Monday June 5: David and I met Steve at the SCVTHS Activities Banquet in Manville, NJ. Very long and drawn out event, but Steve gave a nice speech about his Baseball team and we were happy to be there to support him.
Tuesday June 6: Theresa's Birthday! The girls from the office and I took her to Ruby Tuesday's for lunch. Had Corey and Jean & Mark and Jen over for a BBQ dinner. Corey and Jean had just returned from France and Mark and Jen leave next week. They got to talk and get/give advise. We had a nice time.
Wednesday June 7: Mom's Birthday! Went out to Damon's for dinner. We had a good time, but Damon's was not all that great. Used to be better.
Thursday June 8: Steve worked on the paver walkway and I went to the new BJ's on Rt. 9 to shop for David's family party. LOVED BJ's. I belong to Sam's, but will let that membership expire - too crowded and no variety.
Friday June 9: Took my Mom into New Brunswick to Crossroads theatre to see my good friend Derrick in When a Man Loves a Woman. He was fantastic! Not only can he act, he is an awesome singer! We loved the play. We met Dawn, Shahida, Liz, Theresa, Birthe, Michele and Marci there. We all had a great time and it was so nice to see everyone outside of work.
Saturday June 10: Cleaned the house from top to bottom all morning. With 15 minutes to spare, I ran to Macy's for 2 maternity outfits. The Yoegel's had arrived while I was in the shower. As soon as I got myself and David ready, we were off to his Pirate/Princess Birthday Party at Sandy Deck's Parties on Summerhill Road in East Brunswick. It was a great party. For 1 1/2 hours they played games, ate pizza, danced, went on a treasure hunt, decorated a treasure box, got tatoos and had ice cream. I got to see some people I never see, Barbara, Sandy, Cathy and Niko as well as their kids. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. Went back to our house for a break. Had dinner at Frank's Pizza, then went bowling. What a blast! Tracey kicked all of our butts, but I was able to squeeze in 4 strikes in my second game. The kids did real well too. It was David's 1st time bowling and he did pretty well. At least they all enjoyed themselves.
Sunday June 11: DAVID'S 3RD BIRTHDAY! Steve went out and got us all Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. The kids played and Tracey and I ran to Sam's to pick up the cake, a veggie tray and a fruit bowl. When we got back, they had to leave - Ally had a birthday party in PA to get to. Then I went to Toys R Us to get David's presents and A&P for some last minute party items. Steve set up the backyard while I showered. My Mom and I got the appetizers ready and my grandparents were the first to arrive. The party went off without a hitch! Everyone showed and David had so much fun. Steve cooked on the grill and I prepped in the kitchen. Great team work. Half way through, David opened his presents. He loved them all - especially his Red Game Boy! Mom Mom and Gramps worked extra hard to find that. We had a pirate cake that David enjoyed. We hung out a while and then the guests were gone. Another great birthday for my baby boy!
Monday June 12: David had his 3 yr check up and was horrible! He did not want to listen to anyone or do anything he was asked. The topper was that they never gave him his 4th DPT shot, so he had to get that. Not a good morning. After we picked up Johnny Cakes, we headed for Great Adventure. We did the Safari first - it was great. So many animals! When we got into the park, it was more crowded then we expected. Lots of class trips. The lines for the rides were crazy - 3 hour waits! After lunch, we tried the rides again and had better luck. It turned out to be a great day after all.
I think that is enough info for now. Stay tuned - we have another busy weekend ahead!
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Monday, June 05, 2006
Happy Birthday to MOST of the people I know!
June is a crazy birthday month. It's starts off with my nephew Tyler. He turned 6 on the 2nd. Next, my cousin PJ was 7 on the 3rd. My sister-in-law Tracey was 30 something on the 4th. David's due date was today - the 5th. My good friend and co-worker Theresa will celebrate her birthday tomorrow - the 6th. My Mom will be 58 on the 7th. Uncle Richie's birthday is the 9th. My angel baby David was born on the 11th and will celebrate his 3rd birthday. PJ's Mom, my cousin Barbara was born on the 16th. My other friend and co-worker Kristen will be 20 something on the 17th. Do you think I will be spending a lot of time in the card store??
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Friday, June 02, 2006
For Mother's Day, Steve bought me the new James Patterson book Beach Road. I finished it this past Monday - it was great. Loved it. I decided that I should read more books and was tempted to join Laney's challenge, but knew I could not commit. I did however decide on 3 books that I would try to read over the summer. I bought them yesterday and finished one last night! All 3 books are by James Patterson, by the one I read last night was by both James Patterson and Peter Dejonge (both wrote Beach Road) called Miracle on the 17th Green. No, I am not a speed reader, the book was short (149 pgs) and it was good. I plan on reading Lifeguard next and then Honeymoon. I'll let you know what I think...
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